My #LiveList

It is hard to write a live list (bucket list – but we are focusing on doing these things while alive and active rather than squeezing them in right before we kick the bucket) without feeling a little selfish and egotistical. I mean, who am I to want all of these crazy once in a lifetime experiences? What have I done to deserve this awesomeness? Will people think I am a snob when I do these things? Will others judge me for splurging on these things rather than feeding 1,000 hungry people? Could I ever earn enough money to actually do any of this stuff?

If you ask yourself any of these things as you start to dream big, you are not alone! I am right there with you!! So how do we get past these mental blocks?  We MUST believe that we are worthy! And here is the thing, we are worthy! We are 100% worthy! God created us to have Joy, he created us to be a light unto the world. If you are playing small, how are you going to light the world? Do you truly believe that you were sent here to earth just exist? To go to school, get a job, have kids, get married, cook dinner, do laundry and struggle to pay your bills, all while praying that you will be able to save up enough to take your kids on a trip to Disney one day? I don’t buy it! I think each of us were put on earth to do way bigger things, to explore this beautiful world and all of its diverse people and places.

You may tell yourself, “I don’t need to travel.” Or “my kids are fine at this school.” Or “I got my bills paid, I don’t need anything else.” Well I call BS! Let’s get real for a second…If I called you tomorrow and said, “I’ve rented a plane, I am covering all costs and will even buy you crap from the “all crap store” (my husbands favorite saying when we travel); pack your bags because I am taking you to Greece for 10 days and we leave in the morning. And if you want, bring your family! I love hanging out with you and I just want you on this trip with me, don’t bring a dime!” Would you come, or would you still tell me you don’t need to travel?  What if I called you and said “an anonymous donor has just selected your child(ren) to go to the very best school in the area, this school will ensure that your kiddos have the best opportunity to succeed in so many areas as they grow up and will surely guarantee their admission into their dream college, by the way, the donor will pay for the best college your child(ren) get into also.”  Are you going to turn that away? You have the chance to give your kids a huge leg up, and it won’t cost you anything, will you take that offer or turn it away?  I hope by now you are starting to catch my drift. 

Too many of us limit ourselves because we believe we could never earn enough to reach those dreams. That is why it is critical to separate your dreams from the expense. I don’t want you to think about the cost of anything while you work on your #LiveList. In fact, I want you to imagine that I have given you millions of dollars. But you can’t use it to buy things (ie. Payoff your mortgage, buy a car, pay of debt)  or leave it after you pass away, you have to use it for experiences. Now I understand that experiences cost money (ex. Renting a superyacht for all of your friends to hang out on can get pretty pricey) but we are creating our list as if money is no issue at all. We don’t even need to know the cost because it won’t make a dent in our bank balance anyway. 

Okay, who is with me? Who is ready to start their #LiveList? I know I am! And as with everything, I am being completely transparent and sharing my list with you. I hope that it will give you ideas of what to add to yours and maybe you have thought of things I haven’t, I would love for you to share yours with me! How many things you may ask? 25. Yep I want you to have at least 25 things on your list. You can do more than 25, but you can’t do less. Also, be descriptive, write it out just like it would look in your insta-story while it is happening. Let’s do this! Time to start dreaming of living large!! Here I go:

  1. I want to walk the cobblestone streets of Greece hand in hand with Rob. The buildings are white and the roads are steep but the views are stunning.
  2. I will speak at a TedX event and my talk will go viral and have over a million views on youtube.
  3. Someone comes to my house once a week to do my nails and give me a massage, in my oversized bathroom of white and grey.
  4. I visit all of the royal castles in Europe with Rob and another couple. We stay in magnificent rooms each night. We ride around in a land rover from town to town.
  5. I have a beautiful home in the mountains of Utah where I spend my summers and holidays. It is 2 stories, brick, has a steep roof and has a huge fireplaces and rooms for each my kids inside.
  6. My friends and I fly in a private plane to France and then stay on a super yacht while we travel from port to port. We take our smaller boat to go into dock and walk the streets and eat chocolate croissants at the cafes.
  7. Rob and I workout with a personal trainer 5 days a week at the gym in our home. The gym is completely stocked with anything we would need for our weights or cardio. It has a tv also so we can watch the morning news while working out.
  8. I will walk into Barnes & Noble and see my book in the very front of the store. It has a save 20% sticker on it, because all of the best sellers do. The title is “Do The Things”
  9. My home is 3 stories tall and has 6 pillars, it is painted white brick with black shutters and a red door. It has a large open concept with big windows overlooking the pool in the back yard. My office is white and has very tall ceilings and the wall behind my desk is covered in floor to ceiling built-ins for all of my books.
  10. All 6 of us are in the Maldives staying at a home on stilts and it has a big slide coming out from the 2nd We took a private plane there and then a private boat took us out to the house. We have a team of chefs and cleaners that boat out to us each day to take care of everything we need.
  11. My team and I are in Hawaii and I have rented a yacht to take them all out for a day of snorkeling. The next day we all take jeeps up to watch the sunrise at Haleakala and we talk about our dreams for our entire teams.
  12. Each year I hug the necks of the wonderful kids whose education I sponsored.
  13. 100’s of people log onto my Zoom trainings each week and Plexus asks me to do training calls for the entire company.
  14. My whole family is swimming with sea turtles in Mexico, the water is warm and everyone is smiling.
  15. I will do the “Trekking the tour du Mont Blanc” through France, Italy and Switzerland with Kassidy. It will take 11 days but it will be absolutely magical and transforming.
  16. Each summer I will take my kids on a 3 week vacation outside of the United States. We will go to Greece, Paris, Britain, Scotland, Australia, Spain, South Africa and where ever else they want to go.
  17. During Winter break we will fly first class to Vancouver and then go on an Alaska Cruise with the entire family. We will watch whales, go dog sledding, take a train excursion and see the icebergs.
  18. Rob and I will have a VIP experience with Tony Robbins at his Unleash the Power Within Retreat and we will sit down and have a conversation with him back stage.
  19. I travel all over the US to speak to current and past athletes about concussions and gut health, I speak honestly about depression, anxiety and suicide, I provide hope while also connecting them so they don’t feel alone.
  20. I travel all over the world to speak to the youth about their mindset and teaching them to be limitless. I will be signing my “Do The Things for Teens” book while I am there and the line is long.
  21. I am watching the sunset in Greece and Rob will propose again to me with a canary diamond wedding ring and we will have a 2nd wedding on Crete with our family and closest friends.
  22. A chef comes to cook dinner for my family 4 nights a week and leaves the other 3 nights worth of meals to be heated up.
  23. I have a housekeeper that comes each day to clean, do laundry and do my shopping.
  24. I am standing on stage at the Plexus convention in front of all the Diamonds and I am sharing my story and my journey to a crowd of over 15,000. My dress is tight around my top and flares out from the waist, it is beautiful. Plus I got my hair and makeup done by a professional.
  25. Each weekend my family goes out on our boat. On Saturdays we take our friends and their kids with us, but on Sunday we keep it to just our family. On Sundays we go to church and then we go on the boat, and I just read and relax.

Whew… I made it to 25, it wasn’t easy. But here is another tip – I wrote out 25 and then I went back and read through them and added more to many of them. My coach said something great the other day, it went something like this “Think of a dream and then take it up a Kardashian notch.” I am sure I am messing up her quote, but you get the idea. Everything that family does is over the top, so look at each of your dreams and if they aren’t over the top, think of how the Kardashians would do it and add some extravagance to your dreams!

Why? Because you are worth it! If you have any doubt, you need to keep looking in the mirror and repeating




I want you to do that as many times for as many days as you need to, until you don’t doubt your worth anymore. And when that doubt creeps in on a bad day? Well then, you know what to do…go back to that mirror and remind yourself “I AM WORTHY”.

Credit: All my thoughts are coming from my coaching calls with my life coach Sarah Centrella. I highly suggest you follow her and even join her coaching circle if you want to learn directly from her, rather than my perspective of her lessons.





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