How I Am Learning to Build Wealth

I just got off my 2nd coaching call with Sarah Centrella and again, my mind is on fire with the possibility of what my life is in the process of becoming.

We spent over half of the time talking about money. Last week I admitted to her that I have never been good at saving or managing money. I tend to spend what I have and believe that I can hustle to earn whatever else I need for next week or month.  The issue is that because I don’t leave any money in reserve, when something pops up, I put it on a CC. This has always been a point of contention in our home, because my husband would be happy to never buy anything and save all of the money; while I am happy to buy all of the things and never save anything. Needless to say, we don’t communicate about money very well.

So what did we work on today? First I have the task of writing out how I feel about my current money situation. I rarely talk about it because my husband talks about it enough for both of us and I just hate feeding into the negativity around our financial situation. But it truly does suck. Don’t get me wrong, our income situation is fantastic, we earn way more than the average American and I am grateful every single day for our opportunity to earn. The problem is that if we earn $1, I have a tendency to spend $1.25. I have all of the reasons in the world and they almost always revolve around my family. I am rarely out shopping for myself, but I love to shop for others. I hate that we are in debt. I hate that I had to borrow money from my dad this month to pay for some of Isaac’s school. I hate that I am still paying on my student loan from 15 years ago. I hate that we have car payments. I hate that we wanted to buy a cute little house we found but didn’t have anything for a down payment. All of these things make me cringe, but until now, they haven’t made me change my pattern of behavior.

What did I learn today? I learned to change my focus to “Building Wealth”. The concept of “saving” has always felt limiting and punishing to me. When I think about saving, I think about all of the things I have to do without, so that word has a very limiting connotation in my mind and I have avoided saving. But “Building Wealth”? I want to do that all day long!

So what are some tips I learned today?

  1. If you have a cart full of things at TJ Maxx or Target, walk around the store a couple of times rather than going straight to the checkout line. Ask yourself: “What feels better? Building wealth or buying this new tshirt?”
  2. If you add some things to your amazon cart, leave them there overnight and see if you still need them in the morning. Or better yet…fill your cart with things you want and then go to the Airbnb website and look for a place in Greece (where I want to go on our next family vacation) how much does a little cottage cost for a night? What is more exciting? The stuff from amazon or a night in Greece? Build wealth so that I can take the family on a wonderful trip! That is way more exciting than that new thing that is going to take up space in my kitchen!
  3. Use power mottos: “I create wealth.” “I am great with money.” “I am building wealth.”
  4. Think of ways to diversify my income. ie: my SEP IRA, becoming a life coach, #DoTheThings


It really feels good to believe and know that I can start being in control of my life and my ability to build wealth! The more that I prove to the universe (my Heavenly Father) that I will honor the wealth he sees fit to send my way, I believe the more he will send me.

I will continue to be grateful for all I currently have and I will be much better at Building Wealth for my family for generations to come, so that we can have wonderful experiences together without any stress of the cost associated with the activities and travels we chose to go on.

The final homework I was given: Guided Meditation once or twice a day. Here is the link to the meditation Sarah recommended to me to help with my financial blocks. The goal is to be singularly focused, so I have to NOT think about all of the things, I just have to quiet my mind and allow myself to focus for 15 minutes. The hope is that abundance will start flowing to me easier and that any subconscious blocks I have, will come to the surface so I can work through them and move forward!


I am truly so excited for this process. On the outside, it may look like I know everything I need to know about positive mindset and manifesting and such. And while I admit that I know and practice it way more than the average busy mom, I still have so much more to learn! Talking through this with my coach is causing me to dig deeper than I do while just reading a book on my own. She is no nonsense, she calls it like she sees it and I truly can’t wait to see how different my  life looks at the end of our 6 month coaching and training!


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  • Hi, there! Just wanted u 2 know I checked your blog out. Great job.

    Heather Parnass
  • Thank you for bring willing to share your journey with us. I know you can always inspre me to dream more and do more, I’m sure your experiences will guide many of us to travel our journeys even better.


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