Blog Post #1

I dare say Post #1 is the hardest. Why? Because honestly, can I call myself a blogger? It’s been years and years since I last blogged and at the time I was blogging about my health journey. I was blogging at 41 after being told that I likely had CTE and would have full blown Alzheimer’s by the age of 45.

This blog couldn’t be any more different. It will be about living life to the fullest. Doing the things. Breaking down barriers. How your mindset effects everything. Gut health, and it’s ability to change your life. Pushing through fears. My journey to become a life coach. And anything else that happens along the way. If you follow me on other platforms, you know I tend to over-share.

So why else is Post #1 the hardest? Because honestly, who cares? I have no readership and when people discover my blog, will they even care? Post #1 is written to my imaginary readers and still it needs to be good. Think about it…putting time and energy and heart into something that may only be for my Heavenly Father and I, sounds a lot like my journal, only open for the whole world to read.  It’s hard! But I’ve been putting it off for months, so here goes…

Blog Post #1

For the last 6 weeks, I have been in a book club for #FutureBoards with the author, Sarah Centrella.  She has taken my idea of affirmations and vision boards and amplified it by like a million percent.

For 6 weeks we have worked through blocks, fears, created dreams, dug deep into our emations, hopes & visions for our life. And now I am at the step where I am adding pictures to my 7 different pinterest boards that she has told me to create.  I must tell you, taking the time to truly focus on my dreams, on where I want to travel, what kind of office I want, what my team will look like, where I will speak and to who, what I’d like to do with my family and what I want my friendships and career to look like, has set my heart on fire.

Here is the thing.  I had to leave my house full of distractions. Why? Because I’ve been trying to do this for a week with no success. Also, do you know how hard it is to visualize your dream life while living smack dap in your current reality? I kept making excuses for why I shouldn’t take the time to figure out exactly what my dreams look like and I couldn’t see past my own desk.

So for the last 90 minutes, I’ve been parked by the beach, listening to music that inspires me and pinning my dream life away. And man does it feel good! (BTW, this process has been 6 weeks in the making and I already had the boards set up, so please don’t expect to be done 90 minutes after you begin. I am no where near done at this point.)

I hope that you care taking time to discover what you really want your life to look like. Step away from the hamster wheel of life for a bit and allow yourself to dream big in all areas of your life! Where do you want to live? What does your day look like in your ideal career? Where will you travel? What do you do with your family? When you are truly in love, what does it look and feel like? When money is no object, what kind of car do you drive? And here was the hardest step for me…Detaching the cost from my dreams. In the past I would come up with a vision, figure out how much it cost to get there and try to do whatever I could to earn the money I had associated with my dream. Stop that right now! You will learn why in her book, but as you are just beginning to think, DO NOT attach a dollar figure to anything.

I do not expect anyone to understand the process from Blog Post #1, but I do hope that if you are ready to start dreaming again, you will go pick up #FutureBoards by Sarah Centrella at Target or on Amazon and commit to doing the homework.

I cannot wait to hear how you feel while dreaming about your ideal life!

I’d love for you to share some of your current dreams with me! There is nothing more powerful than putting those dreams out in the universe for the world to see! Plus, your dreams may inspire someone else, so share them in the comments!

And if you’re the praying type, say a little prayer that I can not only write a blog consistently, but more importantly, that I can inspire others in some way through my words.

Now go #DoTheThings!

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