Hey Friend! It has been awhile since I’ve written a blog post. Not because I haven’t had a million ideas, but rather because I have had so many ideas and haven’t slowed down long enough to write them down. I know things won’t slow down until after the new year, because in the next 3 weeks I will have one child graduate college, one child turn 13, and then 5 days later we will be headed out of town for Christmas; but I’m doing my best to hit 2020 at full steam rather than waiting to rev up on Jan 2nd.

How are you feeling about 2019? One of the most important things you can do is really take inventory of how this year went for you. What did you do great? What goals did you accomplish? What dreams came true? What fears did you tackle? How did you change for the better?  But also, you need to look at where you fell short. What did you want to do, that you didn’t even try? What did you start and not finish? Where did you waste time?  When you really dig deep, you can more easily pivot and adjust so that 2020 becomes your best year ever! You know what they say though…If you don’t have dreams, if you don’t have goals, if you don’t have a path laid out on how to get there, you won’t get anywhere. You may work everyday, feed the kids, pay the bills, watch some good tv; but you won’t really be making the very best of your life.

I believe that God wouldn’t have put a dream in your heart if he hadn’t given you everything you needed to reach that dream. But you must do the work.

2019 has been the year of figuring out what in the world makes me happy. In the years after my life changing concussion, I suffered, which meant everyone I loved suffered. I was angry, depressed, anxious. I didn’t want to leave the house. I snapped at everyone. I was afraid of my own shadow and I truly did not want to live on this earth. But then I discovered Plexus supplements and as my gut got healthier, my brain got stronger and my heart began to fill up with love again.  I went from not wanting to talk to anyone, to wanting to talk to everyone. I went from cancelling plans all the time, to making plans almost every day. Don’t misunderstand, this was a 4 year journey, not an overnight one. But it landed me in 2019 with a thriving business, great new friends, a great relationship with my husband, the best health I’d ever been in and 4 kids all doing wonderful. It all sounds great, right?

Well, yes and no. Yes, life was great. No, because I suddenly felt like I was being judged by everyone.  Here is the thing, when you hang low and go unnoticed, you don’t have to worry much about people judging you, heck, they don’t even know you exist!  But when you decide you want to live large again, you want to have a hugely successful business, you want your kids to do amazing things, well then…There may be voices that pop up in your head that say something like:

“Who do you think you are?”

“You don’t deserve that.”

“I’m fine, I don’t need that extra stuff.”

“What will they think of me if I…?”

“I did get invited, but I don’t really deserve to be here.”

“I will never be able to afford that.”

“No matter how hard I work, I will still barely get by.”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

“People with money are snobs.”

I could go on and on and on. But truly everyone has different blocks, these are just a few of the ways they may present themselves without you even noticing.  And let me just tell you, all of these, plus some came my way in 2019, many of them appeared without me even noticing. Most of them would have gone unnoticed and uncorrected if I hadn’t discovered my life coach, Sarah Centrella, in June of 2019. It is hard to believe I have been working with her for almost half of the year, but I tell you what, all of those blocks I had? Every hang up I had? All gone. Every single one of them gone. I am freer than I have ever been in my entire life and it is the best feeling ever.

So what happens after you clear your mind of all the junk that has been hiding out there for the last 40+ years? Well, I don’t know what you would do, but I decided to figure out what really sets my heart on fire and get to work building that up.

I have never lost my fire for Plexus, I am able to do everything I do each day because of these supplements, and I believe every human being needs at least one of our products. I know without a shadow of a doubt that these products change lives. So I knew Plexus would not go away and that I need to be more bold about sharing it with everyone I know.

My other passion has always been children. My Bachelors degree was in Psychology, with a focus on Children. I was a therapist for the children and families of kids who had been sexually abused. I got a Masters in Sport Management because I believed that sports could change the trajectory of a child’s life, regardless of their demographic. I teach youth Sunday School. My goal in life for the past 10 years has been to provide scholarships for kids in underprivileged areas so they can get the best education possible from middle school through college, because I believe a great education can change a family for generations. I am sure I could go on and on, but you understand that I am passionate about kids, right?

But then, I am almost done with my Life Coaching certification, so in my mind, I felt like I needed to follow the path that my coach has. Coach, write a book and speak. How often do we do that? We follow the path someone else led, because we see them successful and think we need to do it that way.  But she is such a good coach, she recognized my passion for kids. My kids, other peoples kids and the parents of those kids, I want to help them all! (BTW, I have always wanted to write a book, that will still happen!)

It has taken me a solid month to figure out how it all looks, and I don’t have it completely figured out, but here is what I know. Most parents are doing the very best that they can. They want the best for their kids. They want their child to succeed. They want them to have a better life than they had. Parenting is a wonderful blessing, but it can be overwhelming if you don’t have the best tools in your tool kit.  Because here is the thing, if you struggle with self-doubt, your kids see that and there is a solid chance that they will suffer from self-doubt. If you talk about never having enough money, guess what? Their brain is already believing there will never be enough money, and this sticks with them until someone unsticks it for them! If you get anxious and go down a rabbit hole of fears, they are learning to do the same thing. So, here’s the thing, I want to help parents recognize their issues, but also learn to dream big. Because guess what else? If your kids see you set goals, work hard, achieve them and then celebrate your success; you guessed it! They will set goals, work hard, overcome fears and celebrate their own success. Isn’t that truly what you want for your kids? And yourself if you are being honest!

And there you have it! I am going to focus on Coaching Families and I can’t stinking wait! It doesn’t mean that you have to have kids for me to coach you, it’s just that if you have kids and you would like help with them, I will work with them, but I will also work with you, because they aren’t that way on accident, they have been watching you as long as they have been alive.

 How does Plexus fit in there? Well, every mom and dad I know is stressed out and tired, and guess what? Our supplements help with that! When you have energy, sleep great, feel healthy, experience less stress and anxiety, are just generally happier, you are going to be a better parent, with or without my coaching! That is just a fact!

There you have it! It took me the first 11 months and 20 days of 2019 to get here. But I made it, and I am beyond excited about it! My plan is to change as many lives as I can, day in and day out. Changing your health, your wealth, your family and helping you make 2020 the best year ever!

Thank you for being on this journey with me as I figured out what “Do The Things” looks like.

1 comment

  • Girl I can so relate to you! Love your vulnerability and passion to push through the hard things! I’m there in so many ways. The self doubt gets heavy and letting judgements by others break me. I am ready for 2020. Looking for partners to lock arms with! Let’s do this.


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